Gallery tours
On Saturday, 16.09.2023, four gallery tours with different routes, three to three times (departing at 11 am; 2 pm; 5 pm)
Tour A
We will visit the three exhibition spaces of acb Gallery: Sári Ember (Gallery), Lujza Gecser (Attachment), Péter Szarka (Plus), and then Knoll Gallery Budapest - Ludmila Hrachovinova
Tour B
The B tour of the Deák Erika Gallery 25. Annie Morris, Helen Beard, Kristina Schuldt, followed by INDA Gallery - Marianne Csáky, Lajos Csontó, Márta Czene, Gábor Koós, Eszter Metzing, Barbara Nagy, Neogrády-Kiss Barnabás, Ravasz András, Schwéger Zsófia, Szabó Eszter, Szabó Ádám, Szász Lilla, Szemző Zsófia, Uray-Szépfalvi Ágnes, Zellei Boglárka Éva "First Half '23". The tour will end with a solo exhibition by Lia Orsolya Vető at the VILTIN Gallery, which is 15 years old this year.
Tour C
On route C we will meet in front of Einspach Fine Art & Photography, where we will see the exhibition of Tamás Dezső, followed by the exhibition of Máté Orr and Sándor Rácmolnár at Várfok Gallery.
Tour D
On tour D we will meet at the TOBE Gallery Luzia Simons exhibition, then we will walk to the TOBE Cabinet space to see the exhibition of Rebelo Patel, followed by the exhibition of the Molnár Ani Gallery group - Lili Agg, Anna Flóra Buda, Astrid Csatlós, Boglárka Dankó, Villő Juhász, Dorottya Szonja Koltay, Gréta Mihály Mihály, Orsolya Nyíri, Dorottya Poór, Abigél Wirth. Afterwards, we will visit the exhibition of Andreas Fogarasi at the Vintage Gallery and end the tour with the exhibition of Gergő Szinyova at the Kisterem.
You can register for the free tours using the following links:
BEFORE YOU REGISTER PLEASE NOTE, the scheduled gallery tours are in Hungarian:
Tour A: https://forms.gle/if3Co11oaES8CFBv8
Tour B: https://forms.gle/u2u5bSvVGvqrpG9v9